Adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often times fails. My goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes a part of who you are and your lifestyle. I thrive on helping others accomplish what they thought was unattainable through enough nourishing and willpower.
It is an imperative that I strongly identify that every obstacle gets approached with enough knowledge, understanding, and determination in order to be overridden. I always want to make clients reach their maximum, by creating the perception that an individual is stronger physically and mentally than one might believe.
All my clients get access to the "Client Area" designed to allow you to keep track of everything in one place!
I am a Level 4 Advanced Personal Trainer with years of success and experience. Having the capability of analysing your lifestyle and body, a fitness plan will be created to reach your goals in the quickest, safest, and most optimal approach possible.
Having had the time to work in personal training, being a fitness instructor, and a transformation coach, thousands of sessions have been perfected to reach your needs, no matter the age, previous experience, or goals.
I believe that there's massive amounts of potential in everyone, in which I can challenge you to get the finest results possible.
Growing up, I have always been involved in sports: mainly playing rugby for 14 years and targeting many specific areas in and outside of the gym, whether it be weight training, calisthenics, or just working on general fitness. Sport and exercise have been a huge part of my life since I was a child.
I enjoy exercise and love to share my passion with others. Since January 2018, I've worked with, supported and developed clients, leaving them happy with their new physique and having a large sense of accomplishment and satisfactory, due to having achieved their health and fitness goals.
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Everyone over the age of 16.
I am flexible with my times, however I'm typically in the gym from 6am-10pm. I am eager to find times that work best for you.
I always try not to think of putting clients on a diet, rather changing their nutrition permanently. A meal plan will be structured based around your preferences. Constant support will always be provided, where adjustments to the daily requirements may be necessary if you're struggling with the nutrition plan.
There's not a particular number of weekly sessions required, however 1-2 sessions per week might not be sufficient enough to reach your goals. This may depend on whether you're comfortable training in the gym outside of sessions, also. Three times a week is a great training frequency to start with. Although, like anything, you will get more changes out of your physique and performance the more you put into it. I will work with you, as a client, to establish the best training frequency to match your lifestyle and goals.
This question is heavily dependent on the individual. Certain criteria factor in such as your training frequency, experience, age, abilities, and genetics. Everyone will react differently to training, although most clients notice different levels of results within the first month. This is majorly impacted on how committed you are to your training, how well you can adopt the habits that we're going to be building, and your pain threshold.
I will always be a phone call or text message away.